
Intuative attractive BI implementations have a far higher success rate than those which are not.

Collaborate and succeed
Enhance your existing BI solution with cutting edge techniques

With a consolidated Business Intelligence & Performance Management market in which only five vendors IBM-Cognos, Microsoft, Oracle-Hyperion, SAP-Business Objects and SAS Institute dominate, we have found it essential to work with and understand the merits of each system. We not only have experts in each of the vendor tools, but also have experience in multiple solutions (i.e. HR may be using SAP- Business Objects where as Finance may work with IBM Cognos. We have experience not only in migrating from one vendor to another, but also merging the Big 5 vendors into a single BI portal. This is why we have partnered with Business Intelligence's Dashport Pro solution.



Location Based Data.

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Cloud BI


Carry out much of your BI in the cloud.

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Self Service BI 2


A crucial ingredient to success is keeping the data relevent to your users. Dashport User studio now allows your consumers to manage their BI Portal & Dashboards.

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Mix and match your BI content, whether its Cognos, Microsoft BI , Qlickview, Business Objects or even Excel or Powerpoint ...the possibilities are endless!

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Carousel report browsing


Flash enabled Carosel navigation allows you to get more impact per pixel from your screens real estate.

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Flash Charting


Bring data to life with interactive flash charting, these plug ins can supplement or even replace your existing BI solution

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